Sunday, 4 January 2015

Vegan banana and walnut bread


This banana bread was so good! i remember i used to make this when i wasn't vegan and i used to love it but now I've made some small changes and to my surprise it still worked and tasted even better than what it did before! hope you enjoy it as much as me it is honestly such a treat! :) 

3 large bananas
1 cup of ground LSA (linseed powder) or any ground nuts to make a flour like base
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 tablespoons of coconut sugar
¼ cup of walnuts
3 large pitted dates

1) peel the bananas and mash
2) blend the dates in a blender/ food processor then add your chosen nut powder or flour e.g coconut flour, ground almonds and blend together
3) next add the dates and powder to the bananas
4) add baking soda, coconut sugar and walnuts and mix

heat in the oven on 175 degrees for 30 minutes depending on the strength of your oven!  

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